The University of Texas at Dallas
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Penny Ante Science

Fun Activities from Penny Ante Science related to R/V Melville Subduction Crew Education Team Research

R/V Melville
R/V Melville

The following activities are designed for use in any classroom. Simply click on the desired area for details. The Instructions & Worksheets file lists materials, provides student instructions and associated worksheets, along with teacher notes for facilitating the activity. The Teacher’s Guide file lists activity extensions to geology, ecology, man, technology and the environment, along with correlations to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for K-2, 3-6, 6-8, and secondary science standards.

NOTE: The TEKS correlations mentioned are to the older 2001 TEKS before the latest revisions, so please compare the topics to the most recent TEKS or your state guidelines.

Instructions & WorksheetsTeacher’s Guide by Activity

20,000 Fathoms

TG 20,000 Fathoms

Balancing Acts

TG Balancing Acts

Boy, Oh Buoyancy

TG Boy, Oh Buoyancy

Davy Jones’ Locker

TG Davy Jones’ Locker

Deep Water

TG Deep Water

Devil & Deep Blue Sea

TG Devil & Deep Blue Sea

Heavy, Heavy, Hangs Over your Head

TG Heavy, Heavy, Hangs OYH

How Deep is the Ocean?

TG How Deep is the Ocean?

Poke, Crack and Scoop

TG Poke, Crack, Scoop

Sea Hunt

TG Sea Hunt

Sea Solids

TG Sea Solids

Shore to Sea

TG Shore to Sea

Sittin’ on the Dock

TG Sittin on the Dock

Slip Sliding Away

TG Slip Sliding Away

Solvent the Problem

TG Solvent the Problem

Water Colors

TG Water Colors