Faculty Research
Educational Activities
Maximizing Opportunities for All Children (pdf), written by Dr Fred Fifer, is designed to help teachers monitor their teaching. Through the activities teachers can determine how to change student behaviors and interactions.
UT Dallas Center for Teaching and Learning Instructional Improvement Awards
Hennessey, Emily and Kirkland, Pam. Using Cooperative Learning Strategies interwoven with a focus on Social, Emotional Learning will help support students interacting with others academically, working with others more successfully and becoming more aware of their own areas of strength as well as areas for growth to allow for a positive college experience and improved career-readiness.
Additional Activities include
Dr. Montgomery’s worked with UTeach Dallas Master Teacher Katie Donaldson in bringing PBL methodologies to his Honors Age of Dinosaurs course. Additionally, this is folding over into our graduate student research work.
Educational Publications
- A new book on the UTeach Dallas method of preparing of STEM teachers has been releases in 2021. We have two chapters in the book.
- Urquhart, M. (2020). Cross-pollination in an unusual setting: the success story of UTeach Dallas. In J. Goodell & S. Koç (Eds.), Preparing STEM teachers: The UTeach replication model. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Donaldson, K., York, M. K., Gavitt, C., and Gagnon, R. (2020). A tale of two PBI programs. In J. Goodell & S. Koç (Eds.), Preparing STEM teachers: The UTeach replication model. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Love, Cassandra and Mary Urquhart, 2016. Mars Globe Educator Guide, National Geographic Society, 27 pages.
Journal Articles:
York, M. K., and Hite, R. (2021). Preservice science and math teachers’ intent to use classroom-based global Collaboration (CBGC) in their future classrooms. Manuscript submitted for publication. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(2).
York, M. K., Hite, R., & Donaldson, K. (2019). Lessons learned from going global: Infusing classroom-based global collaboration (CBGC) into STEM pre-service teacher preparation. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 4(4).
Peer Reviewed Full Conference Proceedings Papers
Kitagawa, Midori, Paul Fishwick, Michael Kesden, Mary Urquhart, Rosanna Guadagno, Rong Jim, Ngoc Tran, Erik Omogbehin, Aditya Prakash, Priyanka Awaraddi, Baily Hale, Ken Suura, Aniket Raj, James Stanfield, Henry Vo., 2019. Scaffolding Training Environment for Physics (STEPP): Modeling High School Physics using Concept Maps and State Machines. SIGSIM-PADS’19 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation. 127–136
Kitagawa, Midori, Michael Kesden, Ngoc Tran, Thulasi Sivampillai Venlayydam, Mary Urquhart, and Roger Malina. 2017. VIGOR: Virtual Interaction with Gravitational Waves to Observe Relativity. In Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality: 9th International Conference, edited by Stephanie Lackie and Jessie Chan (Springer) 404–416.
Urquhart, Mary L and Mustapha Ishak-Boushaki. 2011. Dark energy and dark matter in the astronomy classroom: Strategies and approaches. In Cosmos in the Classroom 2010. 271-272. Ed. Andrew Fraknoi
Urquhart, Mary L, M.J. Mon, and A.O. Meyer. 2011. Challenges and strategies of lunar phases in introductory astronomy: The use of “mental model building” methodology and scaffolding tools in teaching lunar phases. In Cosmos in the Classroom 2010. 31-44. Ed. Andrew Fraknoi
Published Expanded Abstracts
Urquhart, M.L., 2019. Use of Creative Assessments in Space Science Courses Designed for Teachers. Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. L. No. 2132, 2884.
Urquhart, M.L., 2018. Exploring Exoplanets with K–12 Teachers and Students. Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, XLIX, No. 2083, 2737-2738.
Urquhart, Mary L. 2016. Building Teacher Understanding of Seasons and Thermal Energy Balance.” In Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Proceedings, XLVII, 2492.
Urquhart, Mary L. 2015. The Importance of Partnerships and Data Collection in Long Term Programs for Pre-Service and In-Service Science and Mathematics Teachers.” In Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Proceedings, XLVI, 2085.
Keele, C., M. L. Urquhart, and S.M. Taylor. 2015. A Saturnian RNA World? First Steps towards evaluating the stability of life’s precursor molecules in an Enceladus Ocean. In Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Proceedings, XLVI, 2315.
Urquhart, Mary L and Homer A Montgomery. 2012. Designing an earth and space science course sequence for in-service teachers. In Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Proceedings, XLIII, 1659.
Urquhart, Mary L. 2011. Resources and strategies for building understanding of the earth-moon-sun system in students of all ages. In Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference, XLII. 1068
Additional Publications
York, M. K. (2017). STEM content and pedagogy are not integrated (White paper). New York, New York: 100Kin10.
York, M. K. 2017. How might we ensure teachers enter the classroom well-prepared to teach STEM? STEM CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY ARE NOT INTEGRATED. White paper for 100kin10
Formal Research
Dr. Montgomery, retired, is a paleontologist, and is completing work on a trilogy of paleoecology papers centered on richly fossiliferous intervals at the end of the Age of Dinosaurs. Each site is located near Lajitas and Big Bend National Park, the region of many of our previous discoveries including the giant Alamosaurus sanjuaneneis that resides in the Perot Museum of Nature and Science Dallas.
The first two papers were published in the journal Palaios and the third manuscript should be ready to submit during the first semester of 2017. In association with expert co-authors, this third work details the invertebrate and vertebrate faunas of the ancient Boquillas sea floor.
Publications Associated with Big Bend and Lajitas
Montgomery, H., and Clark, S., 2016, Paleoecology of the Gaddis site in the Upper Cretaceous Aguja Formation, Terlingua, Texas. Palaios, v. 31, p. 347-357.
Montgomery, H., 2015, Coprolites of predator and prey dinosaurs in the Aguja Formation of Trans-Pecos Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. v. 47, p. 347.
Montgomery, H., and Donaldson, K., 2014, Using problem-based learning to deliver a more authentic experience in paleontology. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 62, p. 714-724.
Montgomery, H., and Donaldson, K., 2013, Teaching paleontology and paleoecology in a problem based learning format. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, p. 314.
Montgomery, H., and Barnes, K., 2012, Paleolimnology of uppermost Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in West Texas. Palaios, v. 27, p. 386-394.
Montgomery, H., 2012, Mysteries of giant Platyceramus of the Boquillas Formation sea floor. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, p. 30.
Montgomery, H., 2012, A new microvertebrate local fauna in the Aguja Formation, Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, p. 36.
Montgomery, H., 2009, Paleolimnology of two dinosaur watering holes in west Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 41, p. 34
Main, D., Fiorillo, A., Montgomery, H., 2002, New methods in paleontology; GPR mapping and excavation of a titanosaurid (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) bonebed in Big Bend National Park. Geological Society of America, South-Central Section, 36th annual Meeting. Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 10.
Montgomery, H., 2002, A constructivist approach to field geology for science teachers: Geological Society of America, 36th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs. October, Denver, CO.
Montgomery, H., 2002, Texas science teachers and earth science issues in the Big Bend Region. Geological Society of America, South-Central Section Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, April, Sul Ross University, Alpine, Texas, v. 34(3), p. 10.
Fiorillo, A. and Montgomery, H., 2001, Depositional setting and paleoecological significance of a new sauropod bonebed in the Javelina Formation (Cretaceous) of Big Bend National Park, Texas. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 61st annual meeting, Abstracts with Papers, v. 21, p. 49A, October, Boseman, Montana.
Montgomery, H. and Fiorillo, A, 2001, Depositional setting and paleoecological significance of a new sauropod bonebed in the Javelina Formation (Cretaceous) of Big Bend National Park, Texas. Geological Society of America, 35th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. 196, October, Boston, MA.
Montgomery, H., and Barnes, K., 2012, Paleolimnology of uppermost Cretaceous lacustrine deposits in West Texas. Palaios, v. 27, p. 386-394.
Montgomery, H., 2004, Effective geological fieldwork as part of a graduate program for practicing science teachers. The Texas Science Teacher, v. 33, p. 16-23.
Montgomery, H., 2001, How fast did dinosaurs run? The Texas Science Teacher, v. 30(1), p. 16-19. The Texas Science Teacher, v. 31, p. 28-31.
Main, D. and Montgomery, H., 2000, Paleoecology of a titanosaurid sauropod dinosaur locality within the Javelina Formation of Big Bend National Park. Texas. Geological Society of America, South-central Section, 34th annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, Meeting: April, Fayetteville, AK, v. 32, p. 34.
Fiorillo, A, Main, D., Bhattacharya, J., and Montgomery, H., 2000, Paleoecological analysis of a Juvenile Titanosaurid locality with the Javelina Formation of Big Bend National Park. National Park Service Research, v. 4.
Main, D., Montgomery, H. Biasatti, D and Bennett, G., 1999, The titanosaurid Alamosaurus sanjuanensis (Sauropoda: Dinosauria) from the Javelina formation of Big Bend, Texas. Geological Society of America, South-central Section, 33rd Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, v. 31, p. 12, February, Lubbock, TX