Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Degree in Mathematics Education
The MAT degree in Mathematics Education has three course track options: High School/Dual Credit course options, Mathematics Education course options, and Math Foundations course options. This degree requires 36 graduate credit hours.

The High School/Dual Credit Mathematics track is designed primarily for teachers possessing secondary certification in mathematics and/or computer science, emphasizing content. Applicants for the High School Mathematics track should have at least one year of calculus, a course in linear algebra, and a junior-level course involving mathematical proof.
Math Foundations track is designed for junior high/middle school mathematics teachers. Applicants for the Math Foundations track should have mastered pre-calculus and have experience with mathematical problem-solving (e.g., MATH 3307 or equivalent).
The MAT in Mathematics Education does not currently require a thesis and is a terminal degree for most students. By taking an appropriate 18 hours of core courses in mathematics and statistics as part of the degree, students can meet the minimal mathematics requirement to teach at a community college/HS dual credit courses. Students must check with their employer and specific community colleges for exact requirements. Consult the Graduate Advisor for details.
An interview with an SME faculty member may also be required for any of the tracks.
Please see the current graduate catalog SME Graduate Catalog and Course Descriptions
Education Course
- SMED 5301: Science, Mathematics, and Society
- SMED 5302*:Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics Education
- SMED 5303*: Introduction to Research and Evaluation in Science and Mathematics
- SMED 5304*: Reflections and Impacts in Science and Mathematics Education (5303 is a required prerequisite for 5304)
Mathematics Course Options:
Mathematics A
- MTHE 5300 Foundations in Algebra
- MTHE 5301 Foundations in Geometry
- MTHE 5302 Foundations in Probability and Statistics
Mathematics B
- MTHE 5321 Concepts and Techniques in Algebra
- MTHE 5322 Concepts and Techniques in Geometry
- MTHE 5323 Concepts and Techniques in Pre-calculus
- MTHE 5324 Concepts and Techniques in Discrete Mathematics
- MTHE 5325 Concepts and Techniques in Mathematical Modeling
- MTHE 5326 Concepts and Techniques in Statistics and Probability
- MATH 5305 Higher Geometry for Teachers
- MATH 5306 Non-Euclidean Geometry for Teachers
- MTHE 5327* Functions and Modeling
Mathematics C
- MATH 5301 Elementary Analysis I
- MATH 5302 Elementary Analysis II
- MATH 6311 Abstract Algebra I
- STAT 5351 Probability and Statistics I
- STAT 5352 Probability and Statistics II
- STAT 5353 Probability and Statistics for Data Science and Bioinformatics
- CS 5333 Discrete Structures
*Can be used for concurrent credit with UTeach Dallas teacher certification program
Other courses may be used to meet the STEM Content requirements. Use of courses outside these sets must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee. Discuss with the graduate advisor during advising sessions.
Students wishing to emphasize computer science may substitute appropriate courses for those in the Mathematics Education Core as approved by the Graduate Studies Committee.