SME Resources
One of our goals is to facilitate the development of preK-14 teachers into skilled educators with a depth pedagogical content knowledge in the sciences and/or mathematics through best practices in science and mathematics education reflective of cutting-edge research and national STEM education reform initiatives. To do this our department is providing resources that may be helpful to you in your research and in your classroom teaching.
SME’s resource webs provide links to tools and resources that support a variety of Science/Mathematics Education programs. Created by UTD SME associates, many of these sites have been designed specifically for science/mathematics educators. Extending from scientific and/or educational research, they are available for your use as well!
Please see the Curricular Resources Page for helpful curriculum for your classroom.
- Maximizing Opportunities for All Children (.pdf), written by Dr Fred Fifer, is designed to help teachers monitor their teaching. Through the activities teachers can determine how to change student behaviors and interactions.
Reference Tools
- ERIC Database Search
- Dissertation Express, ProQuest dissertation search
- American Psychological Association help
- Electronic Textbook: Stat-Soft. StatSoft has freely provided the Electronic Statistics Textbook as a public service since 1995.
- National Center for Education Statistics
Research Resources
- Summary of Statistical Tests
- UTD Library Science and Mathematics Education Resources
- UTD Useful Websites – UTD Library Useful websites for research
Productivity Tools
- LucidChart – free concept mapping-flowchart software
- MindMaple – free and low price versions of concept mapping software for PC and Mac
- Cmap – Another free concept mapping software
- Inspiration – a visual thinking and learning software application
Educational Links
- National Science Education Standards
- STAT TEKS Correlating the Internet
- Charles A. Dana Center at UT
- Region 10 Education Service Center
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
- Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT)
- Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM)
- European Science Education Research Association (ESERA)
- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
- School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA)